Shaktipat is Grace

Shaktipat is Grace

Shak­ti­pat is Grace In San­skrit there are two words for ‘Grace’, but they are very dif­fi­cult to trans­late: kri­pa and anu­gra­ha. Anu­gra­ha is the high­est form of grace: it is like get­ting every­thing with­out your hav­ing to put in any­thing to receive...
Dharma and Yoga

Dharma and Yoga

Dhar­ma and Yoga San­skrit has many deep and beau­ti­ful words. One of them is ‘Dhar­ma’. Dhar­ma is not an ide­ol­o­gy of a group, a par­tic­u­lar reli­gion or a phi­los­o­phy. It is not any ‘ism’. Dhar­ma is the intrin­sic, orig­i­nal nature or qual­i­ty. On a...
Some practical guidance for sadhakas

Some practical guidance for sadhakas

Some prac­ti­cal guid­ance for sadhakas Why do I feel dizzy after my Shak­ti awakening? There can be 3 rea­sons for dizzi­ness caused by Shakti: 1) Because of lack of sodi­um in your sys­tem: In this case you need to take more salt with your food or you can mix a bit...