In the scriptures, two types of gurus are discussed. One kind of Guru is like Sukracharya, who is related to the planet Venus. The other kind of Guru is Brihaspati, related to Jupiter.
Sukracharya was always on the outlook to increase his powers, to get wealth, prosperity, a large following and popular acclaim. He was teaching these kinds of values to his students. On the other hand, Brihaspati gave only teachings pertaining to the spiritual well-being and eventual enlightenment of his disciples. And so it happened that the students of Sukracharya were asuras or demons and the disciples of Brihaspati were gods or devas. The disciples of Sukra always ended up in problematic situations because their deepest motivation was the wielding of power and control over people. But how long can one hold on to this power?
And one can also ask: how much peace does one get out of a power trip? When there is no peace, how can there be happiness? In politics, in society, we see so many examples of this. The things that build up your ego can never give you peace.
On the path of shaktipat, you don’t have to wait for many lives in order to achieve some attainment. If you practise, you can In the scriptures, two types of gurus are discussed. One kind of Guru is like Sukracharya, who is related to the planet Venus. The
other kind of Guru is Brihaspati, related to Jupiter.
The lesson for us should be clear. Everybody who wishes to embark on the spiritual path should first clearly contemplate: What is my intention? Ask yourself, what is the best thing to be accomplished while living in this world. With the right answer, one goes safely in the proper, dharmic, direction. Know that the taints of ego, jealousy and anger won’t leave you at death. They will accompany you in death and give you pain in the afterlife as well.
So choose a path that gives happiness in this life and in all other lives as well.
You have to choose whether to go with Sukracharya or with Brihaspati!
Having the right intention
What is the intention for which one does this tapas, this strenuous ascetic practise? What is the motivation behind it? What are the reasons? Are they spiritual? Are they to get recognition, to receive name and fame? Are they to develop siddhis or supernatural powers?
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