Preparation For
Kundalini Awakening

The 3‑month course is not about any com­mit­ment or reli­gious affil­i­a­tion. It is only about your aware­ness and the align­ment of your body, ener­getic sys­tem and mind, what­ev­er you decide to do after­wards. If did ener­gy work or received an ener­gy trans­mis­sion from a teacher and you feel dis­com­fort, or you have pran­ic move­ments in your body it dis­turbs your peace, then this course will be per­fect for you.

If you join this course you need to be willing to follow the guidance of Swami Ishan Tirth, which could mean for you for example:

To do reg­u­lary med­i­ta­tion
To change diet
To start doing spe­cif­ic yog­ic techniques


👉 Mus­cle twitch­ing, cramps or spasms, shak­ing, trem­bling, limp­ness, rigid-con­trac­tion, facial con­tor­tions
👉 Tingling/throbbing in the legs
👉 Hot or cold changes in body tem­per­a­ture
👉 Shoot­ing cur­rents of ener­gy or heat
👉 Pul­sat­ing sen­sa­tion in the sacrum
👉 Invol­un­tary laugh­ing or cry­ing, deep sighs
👉 Purg­ing or con­sti­pa­tion. Bad diges­tion.
👉 Body may twist in all direc­tions
👉 Spon­ta­neous asanas and mudras
👉 Unusu­al breath­ing pat­terns, ten­den­cy to bel­ly breathe, emphat­ic out-breath

👉 Rac­ing heart, expan­sion pains in heart
👉 Feel­ing of lev­i­ta­tion or inten­si­fied grav­i­ty, rad­i­cal ground­ing and asso­ci­at­ed lethar­gy
👉 Chron­ic Fatigue
👉 Hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty, need to con­stant­ly walk or exer­cise
👉 Psy­choki­net­ic inter­fer­ence with elec­tri­cal equip­ment
👉 Inner visions and lights, flames, geo­met­ric shapes
👉 Buzzing, sounds or hum­ming in the ears
👉 Speak­ing in tongues or for­eign lan­guages
👉 Uncom­mon com­pas­sion and under­stand­ing. Tol­er­ance and patience for “What Is.”
👉 Spon­ta­neous s..ual ecsta­sy with no stim­u­la­tion
👉 Height­ened sens­es. Hyper-sen­si­tive
👉  …and many more

Swami Ishan Tirth

Swa­mi Ishan Tirth is an ordained and ini­ti­at­ed teacher of the Tirth Lin­eage from Rishikesh, India. He has had a full Kun­dali­ni awak­en­ing and has been in Samad­hi for months. A few years after his kun­dali­ni awak­en­ing, he was ordained as a Swami.

Because of his prag­mat­ic nature and his pro­found knowl­edge of the ener­gy sys­tem of the body, as well as his abil­i­ty to direct the Kun­dali­ni ener­gy into the right chan­nels, it is always an hon­our to work with him.

His guid­ance adds strength to the exer­cis­es, while at the same time hold­ing the space so that you can relax and unfold.


3 Months Guid­ance And Sessions

1st  MONTH

We check your sta­tus and where you are in your process.
You will receive mantras and med­i­ta­tions that will begin to align your body.

If need­ed you will for exam­ple receive the mate­r­i­al to do NYASA – Awak­en­ing the body with des­ig­nat­ed points on the body and the chakras


You have pre­pared your­self and your body becomes the ves­sel into which the heat, ener­gy begins to flow more & more. It will be a chal­leng­ing month and you may get a lit­tle chaot­ic as you build up so much pow­er­ful ener­gy. The exer­cis­es deep­en and you will notice the steady rise of the ener­gy more and more.


We have expand­ed the body in its abil­i­ty to feel the ener­gy of Kun­dali­ni. This is the basis for learn­ing more about you and this force and what mean­ing it has in your life. You turn towards your goal and learn to direct your ener­gy in this direc­tion. Your body becomes more and more the ves­sel of this ener­gy. If ready you may receive the guid­ance on how to direct your heal­ing ener­gy into the issues of your life.


If you are after the 3 months course ready, it is pos­si­ble to receive Shak­ti­pat Ini­ti­a­tion.
Shak­ti­pat is the process of awak­en­ing the sleep­ing Kun­dali­ni pow­er by the grace of Guru so that the spir­i­tu­al ele­va­tion of the dis­ci­ple can hap­pen with­out any direct inter­vene of disciple’s mind and intel­lect. It’s an effort­less path which means the dis­ci­ple has to do noth­ing but just fol­low the process as a wit­ness and the spir­i­tu­al evo­lu­tion will hap­pen automatically.


After receiv­ing Shak­ti­pat you can attend the Ashir­vad Vidya course.

ASHIRVAD VIDYA is the vedic root of rei­ki sys­tem. It is a sys­tem that can be used to heal phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal dis­eases. It uses sym­bols cre­at­ed by Vedic saints and mantras which enable the per­son to heal him­self and to heal oth­ers. It works by invok­ing cos­mic divine ener­gy called Ashir­vad Shak­ti. It’s a heal­ing ener­gy that flows from the practicioner’s hand once he learns this tech­nique. The prac­ti­tion­er becomes the chan­nel for the ener­gy to descend from high­er dimen­sion and pass through him to the desired person.

✅ 1st Month: Introduction — First Meditations

Ses­sion 1
What is Kun­dali­ni? The ener­getic sys­tem, shushum­na, chakras, nadis.
Why Kun­dali­ni is asso­ci­at­ed with bliss
Symp­toms of a Kun­dali­ni prepar­ing to awak­en.
What hap­pens when I already have a half awak­ened Kun­dali­ni
Med­i­ta­tion, Practice

Ses­sion 2
What is Kun­dali­ni not?
What is the dif­fer­ence between ener­gy trans­mis­sion, deek­sha, shak­ti­pat with lin­eage and shak­ti­pat with­out lin­eage, teach­ers who give ener­gy trans­mis­sion but still call it shak­ti­pat?
Signs and behav­iour of Kun­dali­ni in the fol­low­ing steps:
1st step: Prepa­ra­tion for Kun­dali­ni Awak­en­ing.
2nd step: Kun­dali­ni Awak­en­ing,
3rd step: Kun­dali­ni Ris­ing
4th step: Kun­dali­ni Sta­bi­liza­tion
5th step: Kun­dali­ni Ele­va­tion
And last and 6th step: Kun­dali­ni Illu­mi­na­tion.
Med­i­ta­tion, Practice

✅ 2nd Month: Going Deeper — Advanced Meditations

Ses­sion 1
Kun­dali­ni and diet, the effects of food on the ener­gy and ner­vous sys­tem.
Sex­u­al ener­gy and kun­dali­ni – guid­ance and com­par­i­son of west­ern and east­ern lifestyles.
Med­i­ta­tion, prac­tice
Ses­sion 2
Yoga asanas and mudras and pranaya­mas to move the ener­gy upwards and dis­trib­ute it through­out the body
Med­i­ta­tion, practice

✅ 3rd Month: Activation — When You Are Ready

Ses­sion 1
First ener­gy trans­mis­sion to check where you are at a per­son­al lev­el.
Acti­va­tion of the root chakra to facil­i­tate kun­dali­ni awak­en­ing.
Ses­sion 2
Acti­va­tion of the solar plexus (Manipu­ra Chakra) to cleanse neg­a­tive ener­gy and kar­ma.
Bhuta Sud­dhi Med­i­ta­tion and Mantra Initiation

The Participants

✅ Receive Sup­port In A Ded­i­cat­ed Telegram Group
✅ 1 year access to the mem­ber­ship area
✅ 3 Month Guid­ance And Support

  • Bliss Rate — 99%
  • Being Able To Receive Shak­ti­pat — 77%
  • On The Way To Swami­hood — 12%


Soon after I received the first mantras, I noticed how my body aligned. Also the heat of the Kun­dali­ni was soon notice­able. Thank you for your guid­ance! Hari Om!


I had strong kriyas and this shak­ing for a long peri­od of time. It was a bless­ing to have met Swa­mi Ishan, as he knows how to direct the ener­gy into the right ener­gy chan­nels. Thank you Swami!


For a long time I did not know that it was symp­toms of Kun­dali­ni that were at work here. After a peri­od of stag­na­tion, my spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment continues.

No Name

It was not so easy for me, because I have strong emo­tion­al pat­terns. It is very valu­able for me to have this experience.

