The Pow­er Of The Divine


It’s the pow­er of the con­scious­ness. Con­scious­ness, by its nature, has the capa­bil­i­ty of “Know­ing”. As con­scious­ness is beyond the Maya (illu­sion) it is vibra­tion-less. But to cre­ate and main­tain it needs vibra­tion. The pow­er emanat­ed because of the pri­mor­dial vibra­tion is the Self-pow­er of the con­scious­ness. This is the pri­mor­dial pow­er of this cre­ation too.

As the con­scious­ness is infi­nite the pow­er orig­i­nat­ed from it also infi­nite. After doing the whole cre­ation still it remains infi­nite. As the cre­ation is a man­i­fes­ta­tion, the pow­er remains in every par­ti­cle of this cre­ation as the pro­ject­ed light remains in every par­ti­cle of the image shown on a cin­e­ma screen.

This pow­er has many dif­fer­ent names in dif­fer­ent philoso­phies, spir­i­tu­al paths and reli­gions. In yoga it’s also called the Kun­dali­ni pow­er. This pow­er is the essence of our exis­tence. Noth­ing in this cre­ation is dif­fer­ent from it. It’s the cre­ative, all know­ing dynam­ic consciousness.

How We Work

We wont found cen­ters, foun­da­tions, do TEDx talks, offer yoga only for fit­ness nor will we give any promis­es that the pro­vid­ed tools work like Aladdin´s won­der­lamp.
We offer sin­cere guid­ance and take in exchange a bit so our bod­ies can con­tin­ue to live.
The expe­ri­ences of our par­tic­i­pants are peace­ful but deep. No dra­ma or con­fu­sion required.

Bliss, con­scious eve­la­tion and inner peace is wait­ing for you.



Pre­lim­i­nary steps to move towards Kun­dali­ni Awak­en­ing — With the 3 month course you do not enter into any com­mit­ment or a reli­gious con­nec­tion. It is only about your con­scious­ness and the align­ment of your body and mind, what­ev­er you plan to do afterwards.


Shak­ti­pat is the process of awak­en­ing the sleep­ing Kun­dali­ni pow­er by the grace of Guru so that the spir­i­tu­al ele­va­tion of the dis­ci­ple can hap­pen with­out any direct inter­vene of disciple’s mind and intellect.


Ashir­vad Vidya is a sys­tem that can be used to heal phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal dis­eases. It works by invok­ing cos­mic divine ener­gy called Ashir­vad Shak­ti. It’s a heal­ing ener­gy that flows from the practicioner’s hand once he learns this technique.


After you have real­ized a full Kun­dali­ni Ris­ing and Sta­bi­liza­tion there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty to receive Swamihood

Who We Are

Swami Ishan Tirth

Swa­mi Ishan Tirth is an ordained and ini­ti­at­ed teacher of the Tirth Lin­eage from Rishikesh, India. He has had a full Kun­dali­ni awak­en­ing and has been in Samad­hi for months. A few years after his kun­dali­ni awak­en­ing, he was ordained as a Swami.

Because of his prag­mat­ic nature and his pro­found knowl­edge of the ener­gy sys­tem of the body, as well as his abil­i­ty to direct the Kun­dali­ni ener­gy into the right chan­nels, it is always an hon­our to work with him.

His guid­ance adds strength to the exer­cis­es, while at the same time hold­ing the space so that you can relax and unfold.
